Alyssa Robinson
Today I made some major revisions to my Twitterive.  I realized after my conference with the professor that it needed a lot of work.  My place was still unclear and much of the story was was being told, rather than shown.  The majority of my Twitterive was just journal entries, which did not really flow well together.  Therefore, I decided to add some narrative with dialogue and description to make my story more interesting.  I also added some aspects which show the contrast of my life at Rowan to my life at home, including a to-do list for both places.   I also added a poem about the stress of college.  Also, in my original Twitterive, I focused on my relationship with Sarah a bit too much.  I realized that it wasn't exactly relevant to my story to include so much information about our relationship.  Now she is still a character in my story, but there is less information about our past.  I think my Twitterive now clearly demonstrates my disconnect to my place: Rowan.  I tried to better convey the stress I feel on campus.  I contrast this to the comfort and relief I feel at my home.  Overall, I'm very happy with the changes I made.  
    Liz and I conducted our first interview this past week.  I interviewed Liz on what it’s like living with her food allergy.  This was my first time ever interviewing somebody, and it was harder than I expected it to be.  I had talked to Liz about her food allergy prior to the interview while coming up with interview questions.  This was probably a mistake because it made the interview less spontaneous.  I had already heard about much of her illness beforehand, so it felt like we were forcing conversation a bit.  I did however get some good stories from Liz about experiences she went through with her food allergy.   I was able to get a better understanding of what it’s like to live with a food allergy.  Someone that does not have one does not really understand the huge impact it has on one’s life.  It was eye-opening to talk to someone that lives with one.  

    Throughout the interview I felt as though I was relying on the set of questions I had typed up a bit too much.  The conversation ended up being somewhat choppy when I had to look at my paper to see what questions I would try to ask next.  I found myself feeling very self-conscious with the camera pointing at me as well.  Overall I think I was able to get some useful information from the interview and I was able to get a better sense of what it’s like to live with a food allergy.